Updates on my writing

Can good audio compensate for bad video quality?

My latest project is going to use Chuck Palahnuik's technique of writing without thought verbs, this list includes words like: these include:  Thinks, Knows, Understands, Realizes, Believes, Wants, Remembers, Imagines, Desires, and a hundred others.

The list should also include:  Loves and Hates.

And it should include:  Is and Has, but we’ll get to those, later. In short, no more short-cuts.  Only specific sensory detail: action, smell, taste, sound, and feeling. Thinking is abstract.  Knowing and believing are intangible.  Your story will always be stronger if you just show the physical actions and details of your characters and allow your reader to do the thinking and knowing.  And loving and hating. One of the most-common mistakes that beginning writers make is leaving their characters alone.  Writing, you may be alone.  Reading, your audience may be alone.  But your character should spend very, very little time alone.  Because a solitary character starts thinking or worrying or wondering.  Oh, and you can just forget about using the verbs forget and remember. 

Instead of bland “is” and “has” statements, try burying your details of what a character has or is, in actions or gestures.  At its most basic, this is showing your story instead of telling it. 

Following is a short story I will write for a short I want to make. Hope this works out.


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