no end in sight.
A year ago I was conflicted about where do I go from here? Engineering ended in July. I started freelancing, edited reels for a low-wager marketing agency, nearly killed myself working on a month-long 12 hour schedule while cutting three ad-films. I think I've learnt a lot since that. I came back to Jugaad to work on the reels, but this time around things turned out different. They finally hired me, it was a breath of fresh air where I finally understood what it means to be into filmmaking.
I learnt intention, style and a clear thought process helps everyone working with you. ESWY happened. Then Kho Jaana. I ended up working only on one project for a couple months, then Aadhey Adhoorey happened. It switched up things. I got involved with SG, then Boy Band, then I took up Chaand Rani. I hope I do it justice. That's the only thing that matters to me.
So many things have happened since I stopped writing. I wonder how do I catch you up so quickly even.
I miss my friends a lot. Mostly Chinmay and Pratham. Reuben, I can meet anytime tbh. He'd turn up at my office if I asked him to, which I like too. I think I've evolved as a person too where I've become a space and a dimension of something. It feels like I'm laying the ground work for a future self who's more well-versed into the process of making images move beautifully. I am learning. I did hiring for a week and got three guys, I think it was fun. I'll end up getting more people to Jugaad. I should start reaching out to people whom I know.
SDB crew I miss too. I think they'll let me make a cool film with them when we all get time. Mostly think we need a trip to do that. And it'll happen spontaneously. But I'm in a healthy mindspace Vallance which didn't exist for the longest time since Covid ended. I'm rediscovering a new version of me. Let's see where this takes us. I'll resume writing to the best of my abilities.
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